As a mother for a year and a half now, I’ve experienced the incredible journey of watching my baby girl transition from the newborn phase into toddlerhood. The evolution from witnessing her first explorations of the world to now seeing her run around with giggles and curiosity has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. Reflecting on this journey, I’ve realized that there are profound parallels between parenting and running a business, particularly in embracing the toddler mindset.

Before my daughter came into the world, I had already embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship. However, it’s through the experiences of raising her alongside building my business that I’ve truly learned some invaluable lessons. One of the most recent epiphanies I’ve had is that we should be running our businesses like toddlers.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly does it mean to run a business like a toddler? It’s about fostering an environment of continuous learning, growth, and bold leaps of faith. Toddlers are constantly exploring, experimenting, and pushing boundaries. They embrace new experiences with enthusiasm and fearlessness, and they’re not afraid to stumble along the way.

In the same vein, our businesses should embody this spirit of exploration and innovation. We should encourage our teams to be enthusiastic learners, always open to trying new things and embracing challenges. However, just like toddlers need boundaries for safety, our businesses also need strong standards and protocols to ensure stability and reliability.

It’s essential not to coddle our businesses but rather to build a supportive community and a trustworthy team that can nurture its growth. Just as parents entrust caregivers to watch over their toddlers, we should entrust capable individuals to govern and cultivate our businesses to reach their full potential.

In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of business. However, by adopting the toddler mindset, we can navigate this complexity with resilience and joy. We can approach each day with the same sense of wonder, laughter, and eagerness to learn that toddlers do.

And just as toddlers bring sunshine and warmth into our lives, so too can a virtual assistant bring lightness and efficiency to your business operations. With the support of a reliable virtual assistant, you can focus on embracing the toddler mindset, walking, running, laughing, and learning every single day.

So, let’s all take a cue from our little ones and live with the same zest for life and fearless curiosity. Let’s run our businesses like toddlers, embracing the adventure, and let the sunshiney spirit of innovation guide us forward.


If you are not a business owner but are looking for personal assistance or just a bit of motivation, please feel free to reach out as well! I hope my epiphany encourages you in all aspects of life.